DBS – Destra Business Services | Business Resources

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The Business Resource Directory is a marketing service and an online publisher. We help businesses like yours build a stronger web presence by providing an off-site marketing resource where you can share your contact info, content, and more.

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*human-curated means that we may edit or delete harmful, misleading, or inappropriate content at any time.

Photo of DBS – Destra Business Services

Biographical Info

Destra Business Services specializes in the installation, sales, and service of cellular elevator interfaces. With copper phone lines being phased in the not to distant future, now is the perfect time to switch to cellular elevator service.

Eliminate your expensive, out-of-date elevator telephone line and replace it with our inexpensive solution. By switching to our Mobile Connect 2 elevator phone line, you can cut the cord and get rid of that expensive phone company line (also known as POTS). Installation is quick and compatible with all elevator phones!

Why should you upgrade your elevator phone line to cellular?

  • $39 per month, far less expensive than a traditional telephone landline
  • more reliable in emergency situations
  • compatible with all elevator phones
  • ADA compliant
  • helps support a better elevator experience
  • installation is quick, our DBS techs service all of Southern California
  • Lifetime warranty on our Mobile Connect 2 when service is retained through DBS*

Our Mobile Connect 2 elevator cellular solution is far more cost-effective and reliable than your current elevator phone line. On average, our customers see immediate savings of between 20 and 60% per month.

Eliminate your expensive out of date elevator telephone line and replace it with our inexpensive solution. By switching to our Mobile Connect 2 elevator cellular interface, you can cut the cord and get rid of that expensive phone company line. Installation is quick and compatible with all elevator phones!

Categories: Business Services, Listings